Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The Lion's Heart series -Let go and grow

Finally the cat is out of the bag! After a year of planning, writing, correcting, testing, correcting, writing, and then again planning... The Lion's heart has finally emerged.  I am so excited about this book, even more so about all the lives of children (or adults) it will change.

I have used activities combined with EFT to make the activities fun, as well as educational.
It will definitely increase emotional intelligence as well as awareness and teach the children an important life skill of letting go.

The focus is to LET GO of certain emotions that doesn't serve your highest good, in other words, give you positive benefits.  An alarming amount of research and statistics show that stress and emotional discomforts causes many illnesses and psychological deficits or disorders in adults.  And as we all know that unreleased traumas from your childhood can effect you throughout your life.  In learning to release stuck emotions and letting go can and will be an important life skill that can benefit you all throughout your life.

This book is available on ALL Amazon sites as well as Kindle.  See Reviews Below

available AMAZON.COM and KINDLE      and     AMAZON.CO.UK

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

Format: Kindle Edition
Giving young kids (3-10) the gift of feeling and describing their difficult emotions and showing them how to let them go and shift the pain - and grow positively - is what this book is all about.
The beautifully illustrated lion helps kids - and their parents - to identify their feelings in words and pictures.
Because of her training the author knows how important body movement can be to balance and strengthen both sides of the brain - so kids play the game of moving (spin, jump, march) while they tap away their painful feelings with their fingers (applying energy therapy EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques). I love the picture I uploaded from the book in which the lion puts his hand on his heart and blows away the painful feelings (having first done the EFT and movement to shift them). EFT can also be used to tap in positive, empowering feel-good feelings of the Lion's heart. Highly recommended. Full disclosure - I was given a review copy because I am an EFT expert who has found it changed my life to liberate my own feelings that I had to stuff down as a child. Now we have a way to help our kids become emotionally literate - and emotionally free and I applaud and encourage parents and teachers to buy this book for happier, more integrated children.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

By japie on February 2, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Great book for parents and therapists to help children release stuck emotions. The pictures are fun and the kids (and me) love it.
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Format: Paperback
Excellent book for teaching kids (and adults) to let go. Definitely a must read and use over and over again.
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By Daniel on February 2, 2015
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
Great picture, great explanations, great book !

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