Monday, 25 January 2016

Let go of the bully!

A few months ago, I released this book.  It is aimed at children from 6 to 10.  After the release I started my Psychology final exam, needless to say I haven't had time to introduce this book to you.

The book is for children who are being bullied. Whether they are being bullied verbally or physically.  Nonetheless,  trust me when I say everyone will benefit from this book (Adults included).    The story makes the children aware that they have some kind of control and with Matrix Reimprinting they can actually change their own story as well as help the bully.

The results that I have seen using this book has been astounding.  Children easily relate with the characters and even feel sorry for the bully at the end.  They are eager to help themselves as well as the bully.  The process is non intrusive and very gentle.  As a Kinderkineticist I have thrown in some other movements as well promoting brain hemisphere integration as well as some vestibular activities.  

Hurry up and get your own copy, and please let me know what you think.